010 Buffet of the Future

The Buffet of the Future is a response to the current food industry. The traces the food industry leaves behind with their goal to increase a continuing growth of turnover is frightening. Mass production, mass consumption, food miles, food inequality and food waste impacts the world in various ways. Instead of more, we need to produce enough, instead of global we need to produce local and technology should support mankind instead of taking over. Producing enough food can be done globally, by starting the implementation of a so called Cultiveater on a local scale. The Cultiveater, an evolution of the kitchen garden introduces a new way of preparing food. The Cultiveater uses food innovation and robotic systems to adjust and monitor climate, energy, nutrition supplies to cultivate food. Implementing the Cultiveater on a large scale not only influences food consumption patterns, but also a wide range of different topics with the aim to change the city in a more resilient way.

 Now is the time to involve more minds in imagining a future based on local, innovative food production. The urge to change and to invite the public into an alternative future comes together in the Buffet of the Future, a spatial conversation piece. It is not about consuming, but about absorbing, discussing, researching, discovering and participating in creating a resilient future. The Buffet of the Future is shaped out of three sections. To start with Future Dish, a section about imagination and creating your own dish of the future. Those dishes will be produced at home in your own Cultiveater, explained in section two. The Cultiveater impacts the appearance of the city, how citizens can play a role in re-design their city is presented in the third section called Garnish City.

The Buffet of the Future has been presented at various locations of Kookpunt during the World Food Festival in Rotterdam.